Golden Gate Shih Tzu Fanciers

Breeder Referral




Breeder Referral – Northern California

David & Diane Boone – Auburn, CA

Therese Forman – Redding, CA 

Bonnie Prato – Oakland, CA



GGSTF does not offer Shih Tzu puppies for sale at any time.

GGSTF instead offers Breeder Referral to link prospective Shih Tzu puppy buyers and Shih Tzu breeders, but does not implicitly or explicitly endorse, guarantee, recommend or approve any particular Shih Tzu Breeder and disclaims any liability or obligation for the health, temperament or any other aspects of Shih Tzu puppies purchased through Shih Tzu breeders identified by use of this website.

GGSTF shall be held harmless for ANY and ALL contract (or other) disputes between puppy buyer and breeder, and said disputes shall be settled between the parties. The buyer shall be responsible for verifying references, health information and testing, and condition in which the dog(s) is maintained.